Customers wearing Face Shields to be turned away from banking halls

Customers wearing Face Shields to be turned away from banking halls

The Ghana Association of Bankers has cautioned the general public against the use of face shields without masks in the banking halls and other service points .

In a statement, the Association said this is in line with protecting its staff and customers from contracting the Coronavirus COVID-19.

“As an association, we have in the interest of our staff, customers, service providers and all other users of our facilities implemented enhanced COVID-19 protocols to make our banking environment safe and compliant with COVID-19 related workplace guidelines,” the statement read.

The Bank said this has become necessary considering that some persons have started wearing Face shields instead of face masks which is considered to be much safer.

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) and the West African College of Surgeons, in light of emerging scientific releases, have in a statement advised the public against the use of face shields alone as it does not provide the needed protection against COVID-19 given the potential airborne spread of the virus.

It is also believed that a face shield, by nature of its design, would be more likely to allow these droplets to escape.

For this reason, the Bankers Association says it will not allow any person without a nose mask into its service centres.

“In the interest of protecting everyone else from contracting COVID-19 in and around banking facilities, all banks shall insist on this basic protocol and users of our facilities who do not comply shall not be admitted into our premises, and will be advised to use alternative channels such as digital solutions using their personal devices,” the statement said.

As part of measures to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, the Association has also advised that visitors, customers and service providers thoroughly wash their hands with water and soap provided at all banking facilities and observe the protocols advertised in the Banking Halls.

Source: Citibusinessnews

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