Monthly Archives - October 2020

National Development Bank to take off from January 2021

The National Development Bank is now set to take from January next year, Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta has disclosed. According to him, government has now been able to raise the required seed capital for the financial institution to fully begin operations. He had earlier said in the 2020 Budget that government had secured $250 million from the World Bank as initial...

Apex Bank applauds payment of locked up investments

The ARB Apex Bank Limited has applauded the decision by government to commence payment of locked up investments in collapsed Fund Management Companies, describing it as a major boost to strengthen the liquidity and balance sheets of rural and community banks (RCBs). The Registrar-General’s Department, Official Liquidator of Fund Management Companies, has announced that it has begun paying locked-off funds...

We need a people-centered and sustainable recovery post COVID

The Governor of the Bank of Ghana, who chairs the Board of Governors of the IMF and the World Bank, Dr. Ernest Addison, has urged colleague Governors globally to ensure the speedy formulation and implementation of policies to protect the gains made prior to the Coronavirus crisis. In a virtual address to Governors at the IMF-World Bank annual...

BoG cleanup given rise to stronger banks – Fitch

The banking sector cleanup undertaken by the Bank of Ghana has given rise to a “robust banking sector” in Ghana, credit rating agency Fitch has said. Due to mismanagement and other infractions, the Bank of Ghana had to revoke the licences of nine local banks, 347 insolvent microfinance companies and 39 microcredit companies. In its latest review on Ghana’s economy, Fitch...

Educate public on deposit protection scheme – Otuo Acheampong to banks

Banking Consultant, Nana Otuo Acheampong has called on financial institutions in the country to prioritize educating the public on the deposit protection scheme. According to him, this will ensure its success as well as increase the confidence of customers in the banking sector. The Ghana Deposit Protection Insurance Scheme was established to protect insured depositors against the consequences associated with the...

Some MFIs, RCBs defaulting on credit reporting

Notwithstanding improvements to Ghana’s credit referencing system, the central bank has indicated that some financial institutions have refused to subscribe to credit bureau services, contrary to the Credit Reporting Act 2007 (Act 726). This has been prevalent among the rural and community banks (RCBs) as well as microfinance institutions (MFIs). The Bank of Ghana (BoG) stated in its latest credit referencing...

BoG to introduce new policies to boost financial sector confidence

The Bank of Ghana has announced that it is set to introduce new policies to ensure that the Banking and Special Deposit Taking Institutions sectors remain resilient, inclusive and supportive of Ghana’s economic growth trajectory. According to the BoG, this forms part of efforts to restore confidence in the country’s financial sector. It will be recalled that the Bank of Ghana,...

BoG picks Central Bank of the Year award

The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has been honoured at the seventh Central Banking Awards. The Governor of the BoG, Dr Ernest Addison received the Central Bank of Year award on behalf of the bank.  The organisers of the award ceremony, Central Banking was joined by representatives of the winners of the Central Banking Awards 2020 to celebrate their achievements during a virtual awards presentation published...

Delay in convicting directors of failed banks hurting financial market

A financial analyst Joe Jackson has indicated that the investors have lost confidence in the financial sector because the imprudent executives of closed down banks hasn’t been prosecuted. He told Alfred Ocansey on the Sunrise show on 3 92.7FM Wednesday October 14 that all the executives of these collapsed banks whose actions and inaction led to the banks’ failures should...

SEC sets new capital requirements for market operators

The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued new capital requirements for market operators in the Ghanaian Capital Market Industry. The new directive, in accordance with Section 209 of the Securities Industry Act 2016, (Act 929), is in line with the Commission’s mandate of regulating and promoting the growth and development of an efficient, fair and transparent securities market in which...